Reprinted with permission of the Dominion Shotokan Karate Club. Click here to visit their site.
Click here to download a pocket guide to the terms, courtesy of Leane Rozzell.
The guide is a single sheet that becomes a booklet called a Pocket Mod. A YouTube video that explains how to fold it is at the bottom of this web page.
Click here to download a pocket guide to the terms, courtesy of Leane Rozzell.
The guide is a single sheet that becomes a booklet called a Pocket Mod. A YouTube video that explains how to fold it is at the bottom of this web page.
General Terms
Karate: Empty Hand Osu: Do My Best Do: Way Dojo: Training Area Sensei: Teacher Senpai: Senior Kohai: Junior Kime: Focus Gi: Uniform Obi: Belt Dachi: Stance Waza: Technique Tzuki: Punch Geri: Kick Uchi: Strike Uke: Block Dozo: Please Domo Arigato: Thank You Dan: Black Belt Kyu: Color Belt Anatomy
Te: Hand Ashi: Foot Atama: Head Kubi: Neck Mune: Chest Senaka: Back Seiken: Fore fist Ude: Forearm Hana: Nose Kuchi: Mouth Hiji: Elbow Hiza: Knee Koshi: Ball of Foot Kakato: Heel Punches
Oi Tzuki: Lunge Punch Gyaku Tzuki: Reverse Punch Kizami Tzuki: Jab Punch Age Tzuki: Rising Punch Tate Tzuki: Vertical Punch Choku Tzuki: Straight Punch Kagi Tzuki: Hook Punch Yama Tzuki: “U” Punch (Wide) Awase Tzuki: “U” Punch Ura Tzuki: Upper-Cut Punch Ippon Ken: Knuckle Punch Nakadaka Ippon Ken: Middle Knuckle Punch. |
Ichi: One Ni: Two San: Three Shi: Four Go: Five Rokkyu: Six Shichi: Seven Hachi: Eight Ku: Nine Ju: Ten Niju: Twenty Sanju: Thirty Yonju: Forty Hyaku: One hundred Directions
Jodan: Upper Chudan: Middle Gedan: Lower Migi: Right Hidari: Left Mae: front Oshiro: Back Yoko: Side Uchi: Inside Soto: Outside Otoshi: Downward Age: Rising Mawashi: Round Gyaku: Reverse Kicks
Mae Geri: Front Kick Yoko Geri Kekomi: Side Thrust Kick Yoko Geri Keage: Side snap Kick Mawashi Geri: Roundhouse Kick Oshiro Kekomi Geri: Back Kick Fumikomi Geri: Stamping Kick Tobi Geri: Jumping Kick Mikazuki Geri: Crescent Kick Pocket Mod
Folding Directions |
Aka: Red Shiro: White Aoi: Blue Midori: Green Ki: Yellow Kuro: Black Murasaki: Purple Cha: Brown Stances
Kamae: Ready Musubi: Open Toe Shizen Tai: Natural Heisoku: Parallel Feet Zenkutsu: Front Kokutsu: Back Kiba: Horse Riding Neko Ashi: Cat Fudo: Fighting Renoji: “L” Hangetsu: Hourglass Kosa: Cross Leg Hachiji: Open Leg Blocks
Age Uke: Rising Block Gedan Barai: Down Block Soto Udo Uke: Outside In Block Uchi Ude Uke: Inside Out Block Shuto Uke: Knife Hand block Morote Uke: Double Hand Forearm Block Juji Uke: “X” Block Nagashi Uke: Sweeping Hand Block Kaki Waki Uke: Wedge Block Osae Uke: Pressing Block Strikes Shuto Uchi: Knife Hand Strike Haito Uchi: Open Hand Strike Tettsui: Hammer Fist Strike Uraken: Back-fist Strike Teisho: Palm Heel Strike Empi Uchi: Elbow Strike Kumade: Bear Claw Strike Nukite: Spear Hand Strike Haisho: Back Hand Strike |